Course Descriptions
SGT 102 - Principles and Practices in Surgical Technology
5 Credits
This course continues to demonstrate the various functions of the surgical technologist. Emphasis is on safety in the operating room, care of specimens and instrumentation and equipment used in surgical procedures. Methods used for closure of wounds and mechanisms of wound healing are presented. Emphasis on sterilization and disinfection principles and procedures is continued.
Prerequisite(s): SGT 100, SGT 110, BIO 144, MTH 160, and HIM 104 each with a grade of C or higher. Co-requisite(s): BIO 145, ENG 101 or ENG 200, PHL 210 or SOC 210, and SGT 101.
MCC General Education: MCC-TL - Technological Literacy (MTL)
Course Learning Outcomes
1. Describe the relevant anatomy and physiology for surgical procedures involving specified parts of the human body.
2. Apply the concepts of asepsis.
3. Select procedure specific surgical instruments by classification, name, parts, materials, finishes, or function.
4. Differentiate various surgical needles, suture materials or stapling devices by their usage.
5. Explain the preoperative diagnostic testing used for specific surgical procedures.
6. Explain the appropriate response given an emergency situation in the operating room.
7. Explain the basic principles of robotics in surgical intervention.
8. Apply aseptic technique in the non-sterile role for preoperative management of specific surgical cases.
9. Prepare for the handling, labeling, preservation or containment of specimens.
10. Apply aseptic technique in the prevention of postoperative wound infections.
11. Demonstrate the proper handling of surgical instruments.
12. Prioritize the operative sequence in the opening or closing of a surgical wound.
13. Demonstrate preparation and handling techniques of suture materials or stapling devices.
14. Apply surgical conscience as it relates to aseptic technique.
15. Identify strategies to provide appropriate management of specific surgical complications.
16. Demonstrate the professional responsibilities of the surgical technologist in perioperative case management.
17. Explain the relationship between surgical pathologies and health and wellness behaviors.
18. Identify the determinants of health, wellness and physical fitness.
Course Offered Spring
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Fall Semester 2025
Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025